Computer Repair

Computer Repair has been our mainstay throughout the years. We started in 2000 in a freelance capacity. Added Design services like logos and business cards, then websites and social media in 2006. Law firms, Medical offices have been calling us since 2000.

Security Cameras

Security has been more and more of an issue. With this growing interest in security for businesses, bars, restaurants, offices and homes; we have been installing them since 2008 and have enjoyed it immensely.

Web Design

In the early days we used Frontpage, but since have used HTML + CSS, Java, Python, Bootstrap, PHP to get websites completed.

Nowadays, you have so many programming tools at our fingertips online.


Marketing for your Biz

Sales, Marketing, Social Media, Advertising – these help catapult your business to grow. If no one knows about you, they will not patronize your business. We find out what you do and help promote you through all avenues that we can.

Networking your Office

Making the network connections is one of the most fun for us. Technicians who do networking and enjoy it are the only technicians to work with because they do the best work.  We do everything from data closets to the connections in the offices. Now with AP’s for the WiFi and much better Fiber bandwith, there is a bunch of great tools to make your house or office automated.

Conference Room window Tech Headz NY

Next Steps…

Don’t try to be a NERD by yourself… Call Us: 347-785-2193

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